19. des. 2012

Road drama - and it was soon getting dark.....

Tuesday 18th December, we drove together with Sharon's parents to Lake Bogoria. Because of the bad road standard on parts of the route, it takes more than 3 hours one way. Lake Bogoria is located not so high above the sea level and is therefore also warmer than Eldoret. Normally, it rains about 30-40 mm during the rainy season. This time of the year is not the rainy season. Still, it was raining most of the way driving there and most of the time at Lake Bogoria.

Lake Bogoria is surrounded by a national park and is famous for its hot springs. There are also flamengos and other wild life in the park. The road in the park is terrible, though.

To reach back to Eldoret before dark, we left the park just past 3pm. At 4.15pm, the car temperature suddenly started increasing rapidly. We had to stop and we realized that the fan belt was gone. Sharon's father quickly decided to wait for a matatu (public transport) and go to the nearest village Marigat to look for a mechanic and to buy a fan belt. He found the old fan belt 200 metres from the car and it was damaged.

After more than one hour, he came back with a mechanic. But the fan belt they had bought did not have the right size and could not be used. The mechanic was waiting for a matatu back to Marigat to buy the right size. After some time, he called and said that they did not have the right size in Marigat. So he would call a friend in a town called Kabarnet 30 km away to find out if they had the right size fan belt there. The plan was to have it sent by a matatu to where we were. A bit later, he called again. They did not have it in Kabarnet either. And in the nearest city, Nakuru, the shops were closed.

The mechanic said that he would take a matatu to Nakuru early next morning to find the right fan belt.

Time was approaching 6.30pm and it would be dark within 15 minutes. We could not stay there and sleep in the car. It would be far too risky. We might wake up robbed or even worse. And we could not leave the car along the road. We might find it without wheels in the morning....

So what would we do?

Find out tomorrow what happened........

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